Using A Funnel For Your Property Business


By Andy Phillips

Property Pipeline Pro

September 27, 2023

What Is A Sales Funnel:

A sales funnel is the process you employ to take prospects from a awareness of your business through to the goal of your marketing. So if you are looking for investors to fund your property projects for instance, you would construct your marketing process to follow the following stages

1: Create awareness of your business
2: Stimulate interest by providing information that appeals to them
3: Get them to engage with you but taking some sort of action
4: Nurture the contact and increase engagement
5: Build desire to take further action
6: Get them to buy into becoming an investor and work with them to become part of your funding team

Using An Online Funnel To Achieve Your Goals Faster:

Now you have the principle behind the concept, you can now use the internet and specifically your online presence (website) to build a sales and marketing funnel to attract, engage and nurture prospect investors using funnel technology and automation.

Sales Funnels use specialist marketing software to create websites with the functionality required to automate your prospects journey through your funnel.

The journey starts as soon as they land on your website. The sites landing page will have information on who you are, what you do and how your target audience can benefit from working with you.

It's at this point you want them to take the first step in your funnel, and that is to download your initial investor pack. This is a well designed PDF providing more detail on you, your business, investment processes, the return on investment structure and how the prospect can get in involved. You will lay out their next step which would be to book a call with you.

So we have a primary call to action which is to download the investor pack. To do this they need to provide some details on a form.

Once they submitted the form, they will be taken directly to the downloadable pdf, but more importantly from your perspective, their details are now in your database (CRM) and a follow up email sequence would have been triggered. This email sequence provides more relevant information but has one goal and that is to encourage them to book a call with you. This is the end goal of your initial sales funnel.

3 Ways To Get Your Prospects To Book A Call With You:

We're already established that the ultimate function of your funnel is for people who are your perfect target audience, to book a call with you. It's proven that if someone has booked a call with you online and committed to spend time discussing investing with you that you have a great chance to close a deal.

In a well created property sales funnel there should be 3 ways for prospects to book that call:

Route #1: Your Website Menu Link

The first is the most direct. When a person visits your site and they are instantly attracted to what you are offering, they may just take the ball by the horns and either call you direct, or book a call using the BOOK A CALL menu link at the top of your page. The reason they may do this rather than call you direct is because they may not have time to speak at that moment, they could on the train or viewing your site late at night.

Route #2: From Your Initial Investor Pack (PDF)

Many people do not realise that you can create hyperlinks within a PDF document. The last few pages of your investor pack PDF should have a section called something like 'Your Next Step' which encourages the reader to BOOK A CALL

When they click the button within the PDF, they will be taken directly to the appointment booking page.

This is a very strong indication that they are interested in you and your business. There's positive psychology at work here. It's always a good idea to discover what route a prospect takes.

Route #3: From Your Email Follow Up Sequence

As soon as someone downloads your Initial Investor Pack an email will be automatically sent to the prospect, welcoming them and providing a link to the pdf. Although they would have been sent to the download page as soon as they hit the submit button, they may click off the page and not be able to find it again. So we send them an email with this link so they have access to it at a later time.

This also triggers a short automated email follow up sequence. The idea behind this is to provide further information, case studies and even testimonials, the main reason is to encourage then to BOOK A CALL with you. The end of all the emails in this follow up sequence will have a short one liner and a link or button to your appointment booking page.

The Software Required To Build Powerful, High Converting Funnels For Your Property Business:

The main components needed to build a high converting property sales funnel readily available but do need a degree of technical capability to get them all together and tied in to each other. If tech is not your strong suit, don't worry, at Property Pipeline Pro we can do all this for you. However, If you are going to take it on yourself, then you need the following:

Website Builder:

Purpose: A website builder is a software tool that enables the creation and management of web pages. It plays a foundational role in establishing your online presence, which is crucial for any sales funnel.

Function: Website builders provide user-friendly interfaces for designing and customizing websites and landing pages. In the context of a sales funnel, website builders allow you to create dedicated landing pages for different funnel stages, each optimized for conversions. These pages can include compelling copy, engaging visuals, and clear calls-to-action (CTAs) to guide visitors toward the next step in the funnel.

Autoresponder Software:

Purpose: Autoresponder software is a key tool for automating email communication with leads and prospects at various stages of the sales funnel.

Function: It allows you to set up automated email sequences triggered by specific actions or time intervals. In the sales funnel, autoresponders help you nurture leads by sending targeted and personalised emails. For example, when a visitor signs up for your newsletter or downloads a resource from your website, autoresponder software can automatically send a welcome email, followed by a series of emails designed to educate, engage, and eventually convert the lead into a customer. Autoresponders ensure consistent and timely communication with leads, increasing the chances of conversion.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software:

Purpose: CRM software is central to managing and nurturing relationships with leads and customers throughout the sales funnel.

Function: It serves as a database for storing contact information, interactions, and important details about each lead and customer. In a sales funnel context, CRM software helps you segment leads based on their stage in the funnel and track their progression. It enables personalised communication by providing insights into lead preferences and behaviors. Additionally, CRM software often integrates with other tools, such as email marketing and pipeline software, to streamline the sales process, ensuring that leads are appropriately nurtured and guided toward conversion.

Pipeline Software:

Purpose: Pipeline software, often referred to as sales pipeline management or sales tracking software, helps organize and monitor the progression of leads and opportunities through the sales funnel.

Function: It provides a visual representation of your sales process, allowing you to track leads from initial contact to conversion. Pipeline software typically includes stages or steps corresponding to the various phases of your sales funnel. Users can move leads or opportunities through these stages as they progress, helping you or your sales teams stay organized and focused on leads that are most likely to convert. This software often integrates with CRM systems to ensure seamless lead management and tracking.

Appointment Scheduling Software:

Purpose: Appointment scheduling software simplifies the process of booking appointments or consultations with leads, which can be a critical step in a high-converting sales funnel.

Function: It provides a user friendly interface for leads to schedule appointments with your team based on their availability. For property investors or property business owners, this can be used for investor contact, consultations, or follow-up meetings. Integrating appointment scheduling within your funnel streamlines the conversion process, making it convenient for leads to take the next step. It also reduces friction by eliminating the need for back-and-forth email or phone exchanges to find a suitable meeting time. Ultimately, this software enhances the customer experience and increases the likelihood of conversion.

Software Integration:

These software tools play essential roles in constructing a high-converting sales funnel. They enable you to build a strong online presence, automate email communication, manage relationships, track lead progression, and facilitate the scheduling of critical interactions. When integrated effectively, they contribute to a seamless and efficient sales funnel that guides leads toward conversion and enhances your overall sales and marketing efforts.

The Property Pipeline Pro Solution

The Software Solution

Property Pipeline Pro provides a done for you service. We understand that getting this all together and ensuring all the software works as one easy to use marketing system can be problematic for non technical users. We created the solution so you can a complete system up and running fast with our expertise.

Property Pipeline Pro provides you with one comprehensive marketing suite that build and runs the whole system. The old way of building a complete system was to use a number of pieces of software from different vendors that had to be linked using API's (Application Programming Interface) or third party software like Zapier® which is outside the capabilities of the majority of property business owners.

Website build

A critical part of the sales is the website build itself. Property Pipeline Pro builds the sites for you, and yes we build 2 sales funnel sites. On that focuses on your primary funnel which attracts and converts investors and a second 'bonus' site which is used as a motivated seller site. This can be used to capture, nurture and convert people who need to sell their property fast, or used for alternative deal getting sites such as a disgruntled landlord site (R2R) or a commercial to residential deal site.

We help you build the sites using our extensive experience in both marketing and property.

Additional Services Included In The Property Pipeline Pro Package

Investor Pack Templates & Online Video Training

One really important part of the process is your downloadable investor pack, the PDF document offered as the primary call to action. We provide Full training via an online training program is how to design, create and deliver a professional, high quality pdf that will impress your prospect investors. We also provide information on layout and design so you can offer a killer investor pack that has call to action buttons embedded in the PDF as well as template for you to use.

FREE LeadConnector App

We also give you access to LeadConnector, a centralized hub on your phone that offers you a comprehensive view of your whole property pipeline. Keep track of your Pipeline Stages, add leads, call leads, create invoices, add to campaigns, and move opportunities with ease, all within our intuitive and user-friendly interface.

LeadConnector offers a seamless and customisable experience that adapts to your business needs. Our app empowers you to stay on top of your leads while on-the-go and enables you to respond to your prospects and investors needs in real-time.

Focus On Professionalism

In order to convince a prospect investor to know, like and trust you enough to pay you for sourced property deals or invest in your property projects, you need to be credible and professional. Professionalism has to run through what you offer and how you articulate the solutions you provide, you also need that same professionalism running through all the engagements throughout the funnel process. The Property Pipeline Pro solution enables you achieve that with our advice, experience and technical competence.

At Property Pipeline Pro we can help you get your property website up and running fast.

We provide a comprehensive marketing suite so you can control the marketing of your business from one dashboard.

We do all the tech for you so if you hate technology, don't worry we can sort all that out for you.

To get the ball rolling all you need to do is book a call with us so we can give you a demo of the software and show you how we can get you and your business online and pulling investors into your business...

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