The Property Marketing Mindset


By Andy Phillips

Property Pipeline Pro

November 12, 2023

The Marketing Mindset: Attracting Investors & Motivated Sellers To Build Your Business

In business you have to wear many different hats. One of the most critical to the success of your property business is the one you need to wear when marketing your business. This requires a focused and strategic way of thinking, you need a well developed property marketing mindset to accelerate and sustain your property businesses' success..

This mindset will develop over time, but it's important to have a fundamental understanding of a marketing mindset, so everything you do from now on uses this mindset to help you get the best from any marketing or promotion you do.

One of the residual effects that our clients find whilst working with us on the marketing of their property business, is that after they have gone through the process, they have a much clearer understand of their business, what they offer, who they are targeting and what their perfect client is really looking for.

This understanding is quickly developed because, during the process of getting their website online they have to precisely articulate these aspects of their business to us.

So what are the things you need to think, about and commit to paper, to get ahead of the game and make everything you do in marketing as effective as possible.

In this article I'm going to go through some of the key aspects of developing a powerful marketing mindset of your own.

#1: Understanding Your Property Business And Exactly What You Offer:

Most property businesses need to look at different audiences at different times, because you are offering different things to different people. Finding property deals or discovering projects from motivated sellers on one side and attracting investors on the other.

Now at this point your audience focus would depend on on your strategy. You may be looking at rent to rent so instead of motivated sellers you may be looking for disgruntled landlords but the principle is the same.

This means two business structures and two distinctly different audiences.

Each audience need to to marketed to in ways that appeals specifically to them.

Having a clear and focused understanding of what you offer each audience is essential. The main message here is NEVER try to market to different audiences on the same website, post, article, video or any other marketing asset.

In this article I'm going to look exclusively at marketing to investors, but the concepts are the basic concepts are the same.

To attract, engage, nurture and convert prospect investors into your business you need to define exactly what you do as a company, and more importantly how your service will help a potential investor to reach their property goals.

To do this, prepare a document which you can turn into a guide to investing with you at a later stage. Use the following subject headings to get the information down on paper with the relevant information that would help a prospect investor understand and get excited about what you and your business can offer them.

  • Section 1: Who We Are:
    In this section, you'll introduce your company to the reader. Share your company's background, core values, and mission. A concise history and any notable achievements can create a strong first impression.

  • Section 2: What We Do:
    In this section, you'll describe your core services or investment offerings. Focus on how your services benefit investors and set you apart from competitors. Real-life success stories or case studies can illustrate the advantages of your offerings.

  • Section 3: Why Invest In [AREA or Strategy]
    This section is about providing insights into your chosen area or investment strategy. Back your claims with data and analysis, explaining why it's a favorable choice for investors. Address potential risks and rewards in a balanced manner.

  • Section 4: How We Work with Investors
    Here, you'll detail how your company collaborates with investors. Transparency, communication, and tailored services are key aspects to highlight. Walk readers through the investment process, from the initial consultation to strategy execution.

  • Section 5: Exit Strategies
    This section focuses on the various exit options available to investors. Explain how these strategies are selected and what outcomes investors can expect. Flexibility in exit strategies is a selling point.

  • Section 6: Our Unique Approach
    In this section, you'll summarise your company's unique selling points and differentiators. Highlight any proprietary tools, strategies, or market insights that set you apart from the competition.

  • Section 7: Our Investment Strategies
    Describe your investment strategies in detail, using plain language and examples. Share historical performance data or statistics to demonstrate the success of your investment strategies.

  • Section 8: How to Work With Us
    Clarify how potential investors can reach your team and schedule initial consultations. Provide clear contact information and encourage readers to take action.

  • Section 9: Your Next Steps
    In this final section, you'll motivate readers to take action. Offer clear calls to action, such as scheduling a consultation or signing up for updates. Reiterate your contact information to facilitate engagement.

This is just a suggestion of what you can put into a document, but if you go through this exercise, you will have articulated how you are in a position to offer an investor a service that is defined and focused on helping them.

This is the exact process I ask my clients to do which produces incredibly professional guides to send to prospect investors.

#2: Understanding Your Target Audience:

Never try to offer your services to a broad audience. Think about who your perfect target client is, and write it down. What type of investor is absolutely perfect for your business and your offer? If it's an individual investor you're looking for you may look at:

  • What sort of person are they?

  • What situation are they in right now?

  • What are the problems they have that you can help to solve?

  • What type of investor are they?

You can also go into a little more depth as to what social media platforms they frequent, what groups they belong to, what meetings they attend, what publications they read etc.

Your target audience in the world of property investment primarily consists of individuals or organisations with a keen interest in property as a means of growing their wealth. These investors may be categorized into different types:

Individual Investors:

These are often individuals with disposable income looking to diversify their investment portfolio and achieve financial growth through property investment. They may be looking for packaged deals that are relatively low in risk and require minimal involvement or interested in getting involved in smaller projects like HMO's.

High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNWIs):

HNWIs are often on the lookout for opportunities to invest substantial amounts in property ventures. They might prefer more substantial property projects that offer higher returns, such as development projects or substantial property portfolios.

Property Investment Groups:

Investment groups or clubs, consisting of multiple investors, are increasingly interested in property deals. They pool resources to invest in larger property ventures or seek opportunities where they can collectively invest in several smaller properties.

Private Equity and Venture Capital Firms:

These entities are more inclined to invest in substantial property development projects, renovations, or complex property ventures. They often have the financial clout to support and drive significant projects to fruition.

As your business develops you may change the nature of you perfect audience, but focus on the hear and now.

#3: The Marketing Mindset:

Now that you have a clear understanding of what you offer and your target audience, it's time to adopt the right marketing mindset to attract potential investors and motivated seller into your business.

Promote, Promote, Promote!

Property businesses can only succeed if people know you exist, what you offer, who you are and how you can help. Everything you write, every meeting you attend and every post you create should be about promoting you and your business. Marketing and promotion should be at the forefront of your mind at all times. What can you do to drive your targeted audience to engage with YOU!

Focus On Your Target Audience

I can't emphasise this enough, focus all your efforts wholly on your target audience. Don't waste your time and effort trying to wow a broad audience, they are not your customer and will never engage with you.

Get Used To It

Whether it's who you think you are or not, to be successful you need to get out there, get known, liked and trusted by the people who need your services. This means thinking about content, posts, video, speaking slots, in fact anything that will get you noticed. It's going to be difficult if you've never had to promote yourself before, but once you start, you will find it a comfortable place to be and I promise it gets easier the more you do it. It is all part of the mental shift to being a property business owner.

Promote Your Brand Values

how you do business with your clients and the reputation you build within your niche is what your brand values are. Brand is more about how people feel when they work with you, it has nothing to do with the logo you use or the colour pallet of your website. You can promote your brand values with testimonials, case studies and behind the scene videos. But think about your brand when you post, write or video anything.

Get Outside Your Comfort Zone

Marketing means exposure, exposure means getting in front of people. You may have never had to promote yourself before, and it may seem a little daunting but you but as a business owner, you will be doing things that may take you outside your comfort zone. This may mean getting some professional headshots done for your website and business card, doing videos, standing up in front of an audience or discussing your latest property project with a a group or an individual prospect investor. The way to approach this is to embrace it. Make it fun and exciting. Many of my clients have started creating video and moving into public speaking. They said they couldn't do it, but they bit the bullet and now it's just part of the marketing process to them. Stepping outside your comfort zone enables you to grow!

Professionalism Attracts

Present your business in a professional manner. This includes well prepared investment guides, professional website focused on engagement, detailed financial projections, and thorough due diligence. This is all part of your brand, the face you offer the world says a lot about who you are.

Online Presence: Establish a strong online presence with a professional website and active social media profiles is essential. Share success stories, testimonials, and provide valuable content about the property market to showcase your industry knowledge.

Understand The Goal Of Your Marketing

The goal of your marketing should always be about attracting, engaging nurturing and converting prospects from your target audience into your business. The primary end goal is to speak to prospects.

Always Use A 'Call To Action' CTA

Whatever marketing assets you create whether that's a blog post, social post, article, video, podcast or speaking event. Always include a 'Call To Action' such as a link to your website, a link to your podcast, a link to a video etc.. Always give the person on that marketing asset a next step, somewhere else they can go to get more information. The goal is to get them to do something that engages them, with a major call to action to go to your website where you will have further calls to action such as downloading your investment guide so you can get them onto your database or a call booking option so they can book a call with you. If you haven't go a professional website with these calls to action on them then go to Property Pipeline Pro where we can help you get that fundamental marking asset in place. (By the way if you didn't realise it, that was a call to action)...

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