Introduction To Online Marketing For Property Businesses


By Andy Phillips

Property Pipeline Pro

September 21, 2023

We like to think that the team here at Property Pipeline Pro are your trusted source for navigating the intricate world of property business marketing in the digital age.

In this article, we're embarking on an exciting journey to explore online marketing for property businesses. Whether you're a seasoned property investor or just beginning your journey into property business ownership, understanding the fundamentals of online marketing is essential to thriving in today's competitive landscape.

In the age of digitisation, virtually every industry has undergone significant transformations, the property world and the promotion of your property business is no exception.

The advent of the digital era has revolutionised the way property businesses operate, market themselves, and connect with investors and partners.

Today we have funnel technology which can create property websites with a lot of functionality and technology to enable you to run your property business on autopilot, only getting involved when you need to.

This can make it a lot easier to attract and convert site visitors into leads and subsequently into people who want to invest in your business.

Watch Part #1 - Introduction To Online Marketing For Property Businesses

Online Marketing Essentials

Online marketing is the linchpin that connects property businesses with investors and investor partners.

To succeed in this competitive landscape, it's crucial to understand the fundamental components of online marketing and how to craft a comprehensive strategy.

Overview Of The Essential Components Of Online Marketing For Your Property Businesses

Online marketing encompasses a broad spectrum of strategies and tactics, each playing a crucial role in attracting investors and partners to property businesses. Here's an overview of the essential components:

#1. A Professional Property Business Website:

Your website serves as the front door to your property business, a portal through which prospect investors and potential business partners enter your world. It should be seen as the starting point of your online marketing journey. If you don't have a website potential investors who either want to fund your property deals or purchase packaged deals simply won't take you seriously.

A professional and user-friendly website isn't just a digital brochure; it's the bedrock of your online marketing strategy. It needs to have the functionality to attract, engage, nurture and convert site visitors into prospect investors.

A potential investor needs confidence in you and your business. Without a professional website presence on the internet you have nowhere to send them from any other marketing effort such as social media. You will need a way to capture leads and offer simple ways for them to connect with you.

Engagement is key. The end result of all your marketing is for a prospect investor to speak with you, where you can discuss how you can help them reach their investment goals. This whole process from site visit to speaking with them can be done on autopilot with a property structured website.

If this seems a daunting prospect then book a call with us to see what we can offer to get you up and running fast. Book A Call

#2. Know Your Target Market:

The Key to Attracting and Converting Investors in Property Business

knowing your target market is like having a secret treasure map that will make your marketing more successful. It means that everything you do to market your property business is geared toward attracting the right people and offering them exactly what they are looking for.

Property business owners who really understand who their ideal type of customer give themselves a massive advantage over businesses who try and market to everybody. There's a saying in the marketing community that says... ''market to everyone and you attract no one'

A good way to do this is to something called a customer avatar. Marketers that create a highly targeted customer avatars are better equipped to attract, engage, and ultimately convert site visitors into enthusiastic prospect investors eager to work with them.

#3. Content Marketing:

Where information flows at the speed of light, your property business's voice needs to stand out amidst the noise.

Content marketing is the art of crafting that distinctive voice, an avenue through which you can create valuable, informative, and engaging content that resonates deeply with your target audience.

From insightful blog posts and compelling articles to captivating videos and interactive webinars, content marketing is the cornerstone of conveying your expertise, building trust, and attracting the attention of potential investors and partners. The power of words and visuals becomes your most potent marketing tool.

  • Create valuable, informative, and engaging content that resonates with your target audience.

  • Content can include blog posts, articles, videos, webinars, and more..

#4. Social Media Marketing:

Once you know exactly who your ideal client is by creating an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and build a high converting website, you should turn your attention on Social Media.

The social media platforms have grown and developed over the years and for many of you, using social media may not be the most comfortable area. However, it is an amazing route to attracting your ideal clients. You can steer them toward your engaging content and of course to your website so they can find out more about you and what you can offer them.

It's important not to just jump on every platform and scattergun content and engagement, again think about you ideal client, where do they hang out?

Target a small about of platforms to start with, 2 or 3 at most to get you going, you can always look at other one later. Understand how these platforms work. By this I mean, if you choose Facebook, look at a business page and how you can invite people who fit your investor criteria to it. Then post great content that makes them want to engage.

We produce articles on Social media and how to use it in your property business, so look out for them.

  • Establish a presence on relevant social media platforms and engage with your audience.

  • Share content, connect with investors, and build a community around your property business.

#5. Email Marketing:

Email marketing remains an enduring and powerful tool for property businesses.

It's not just about sending emails; it's about building and nurturing a community of interested investors and partners.

Email marketing allows you to establish a direct and personal connection, keeping your audience informed with targeted messages that matter to them.

Your content on social should encourage them to download something like a prospectus from your website which will build a list. You can also think about other downloads which are called lead magnets which offer information targeted at you ideal clients.

These lead magnets can only be accessed via a form on your site. When someone downloads it they go onto your database enabling you to follow them up.

  • Build and nurture an email list of interested investors and partners.

  • Send targeted emails with property updates, investment opportunities, and educational content.

Watch Part #2 - Introduction To Online Marketing For Property Businesses

#6. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising:

In the competitive arena of property business, a strategic push is often needed to propel your brand to the forefront of the digital landscape.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising could be that turbocharge, a method where investment yields rapid results. By investing in paid advertising campaigns on platforms like Google Ads or social media, PPC can be the driving force behind increased website traffic and the generation of leads.

However, the true magic of PPC lies not just in the investment but in the precision, delivering your message to the right audience at the right time.

  • Invest in paid advertising campaigns on platforms like Google Ads or social media.

  • PPC can drive traffic to your website and generate leads quickly.

  • Only start paid advertising once you have proved that your landing page converts.

#7. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO):

In the vast expanse of the digital realm, where information is abundant and attention spans are fleeting, standing out is no easy feat. This is where Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) becomes your guiding light, a set of strategies and techniques that can help your property business shine in the digital spotlight.

SEO is all about optimising your website and content to claim a coveted spot at the top of search engine results pages (SERP's).

When done effectively, SEO becomes your silent but powerful ally, enhancing your property business's visibility and making you more accessible to potential investors.

  • Optimise your website and content to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).

  • Effective SEO improves your property business's visibility to potential investors.

#8. Online Reputation Management:

Your property business's reputation is more than just a reflection, it's a currency that can either propel you to success or hinder your growth.

The digital realm is a vibrant forum where opinions flow freely through reviews and feedback.

Managing your online reputation isn't just about preserving your image; it's about actively crafting trust and credibility with potential investors.

The echoes of positive reviews and testimonials can reverberate far and wide, establishing you as a reliable beacon in the dynamic world of property investment.

  • Monitor and manage your online reputation through reviews and feedback.

  • Positive reviews and testimonials can build trust with investors.

  • Find out more about Reputation, Authority, Visibility & Engagement and why you should ask yourself, do people R.A.V.E. about you and your business?

#9. Analytics And Data Analysis:

Online, where every click, view, and interaction leaves a digital footprint, the ability to decipher data is akin to having a treasure map to success.

Analytics and data analysis are your trusty compass, guiding you through the vast expanse of online marketing. By utilising analytics tools to meticulously track the performance of your online marketing efforts, you gain insights that can make all the difference.

Data analysis isn't just about numbers; it's about extracting the hidden gems that lie within, refining your strategies, and optimizing your path toward better results.

  • Utilise analytics tools such as Google Analytics to track the performance of your online marketing efforts.

  • Data analysis helps refine your strategies for better results.

As you can see there are a lot of components to online marketing but don't get overwhelmed. Everything starts with your website. Your website should be at the heart of your property business, the root of information and the place where prospect investors can connect and engage with you.

By using funnel technology to build your website, you can also pull in the back end technology that gives your site essential functionality.

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Property Pipeline Pro Testimonial

Steve Cowgill - Horizon Property Solutions:

"It's a great system, it helps you get your business online... and if you are like me and worried about all the technical challenges don't worry, Andy and his team will hold your hand and take you right through the process."

We provide a comprehensive marketing suite so you can control the marketing of your business from one dashboard.

We do all the tech for you so if you hate technology, don't worry we can sort all that out for you.

To get the ball rolling all you need to do is book a call with us so we can give you a demo of the software and show you how we can get you and your business online and pulling investors into your business...

Need To Get Your Property Business Online?

At Property Pipeline Pro we can help you get your property website up and running fast.

We also provide a comprehensive marketing suite so you can control the marketing of your business from one marketing suite.

We do all the tech for you so if you hate technology, don't worry we can sort all that out for you.

To get the ball rolling all you need to do is book a call with us so we can give you a demo of the software and show you how we can get you and your business online and pulling in investors into your business...

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Discover the secrets to creating stunning, professional property websites that leave a lasting impression on your prospects and clients. Your online presence will shine brighter than ever before!

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